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internet of things cangini

It has never been so crucial as nowadays to stay abreast of the times in order to make the most of the benefits brought by technology to optimise the quality of work.

Cangini’s continuous approach to innovation is now a proven fact. However, this tendency to innovate and the constant development is balanced between tradition and future.

Tradition: because the values and principles have not changed, as well as the aim of always improving in order to supply safe products that last over time, so as to satisfy all the needs of the market, which is still growing.

Innovation, because it is necessary to catch every signal from the market and every evolution in order to keep up with the times. Cangini has always demonstrated its commitment to this, working with dedication and investing in its Research and Development department, which has always been an important part of the company’s success. Discovering the most advanced technologies to be applied to products.

 A cutting-edge example is the recently launched system: IOT (internet of things) applied to the X-Plane laser blade. The Internet of Things solution is based in a cloud and a wireless communication. It enables easy, secure and scalable connection of physical objects – IoT devices and computer-based systems. This unique environment makes connected external reality ,allowing data from IoT devices to be gathered, stored. This technology is the solution for a digital market challenges.

Through this system, the company can provide remote assistance to intervene promptly to correct and improve operating parameters. In addition, the operator will always be informed of the routine maintenance operations to be carried out, which will also be communicated by e-mail.

It is also a matter of increased safety for the operator and the equipments.

Since the launch of this new equipment, the market and customers have shown significant interest.

Above all, the rental companies have recognised the enormous potential and functionality of the equipment.  This is an epic change that can make work easier and provide timely and reliable data on the health and activity of the equipment. The desire is to move out of the comfort zone and get into a new era of equipments that will allow it to be even more competitive on the market.

Connectivity is becoming the future of equipment management and appears to be fundamental to making equipment safer and more reliable.